2.2 Search interests

Modifié le  Jeu, Août 4, 2022 à 4:52 H

Once connected, go to Research > Interests & Suggestions or https://app.targetez.com/interests

This page shows up : 

  1. First part is the Search filters :
  2. Second part is "My last 5 searches of interest". You can click on a row to open previous researches. If you need more history, click on "See all my searches" to open the full history and do more filtering on dates, types of search, search term, languages and more. 


Search Filter 

  • Enter one or more search terms. The broader, the better
    • type your keyword(s), example "fitness", press ENTER.
  • You can uncheck "Search Extension" to get lower result but more qualitatives search results. 
  • Change language to desired search language. Set english to return the highest number of interests 
  • Don't touch the audience size filter unless required you can filter audiences world size using this.
  • Click Search 

See results

This search of keywords "fitness" and "kitchen" gives 130 results compiled in a table. 

If you need more results, tick "Search Extension" and click again on Search button. 

Import Interests inside an Facebook Ad Set :  

The table contains all Audiences you can target on Facebook, based on your previous search. 

To import one or more interests 2 ways : 

  1. Old copy/paste
  2. Direct import - connect your Facebook Ad Account to TargetEZ,

Old copy/paste : 

 click on rows you are interested-in and click "Copy" : 

Then go to your ad set and paste it inside "detailed Targeting" part.

You can use the shortcut from the top menu to access your ad manager : 

Direct import :

Or you can also click on "Import" instead of "Copy". If you connected your Facebook Ad Account to TargetEZ, a new window open where you can select the "Campaign" and the "Ad set" for the importation" : 

Leave import to "Selection" for now and click "Import" 

Audience Validation : 

Click on Facebook icon button to check related Pages with this audience name

Click on Google icon button to do a Google Search from the audience name 

Click on the "i" icon button to launch Insights Audience for in-depth researches. 

Search for this Audience 

When exploring the audience list, you can click on the glass if you want to search for this audience :


Get More suggestions : 

Select the audiences you are interested-in and click "Suggestions" --> this gives related audiences 

Export : 

2 ways to export : 

  • The audiences you select : click on some rows and then click "Export" button. Choose exported format (.csv, .pdf, .xlsx. print)
  • The whole table : click on "Deselect All" to unselect any previous selected rows and then click on "Export" button. Choose best format 

Save Audiences

2 ways to save audiences : 

  1. inside a "New Project" click "New Project", put a project name and click on "Create"
  2. inside an existing project ? click on "Add to Project". Select the project and then click "Add" 


- Select a few audiences, click on "Segment". From there, you can segment your ad set targeting in 4 levels. Just drag and drop audiences or click on "Automatic Segmentation". 

- To import your segmentation, you can copy to clipboard and paste inside your ad set. Or use the "Import' button we seen previously and select import -> segmentation this this. 


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